We received a call from a company who just received an OSHA violation asking for advice and support in defending an alleged non-compliance event. The company started the conversation with, “how do we get out of this?” After a review of the facts and evidence presented to us we agreed with the OSHA Compliance Safety and Health Officer. Employees were put in a position that could have resulted in serious injury or death. So our approach to defending the citation changed from getting this dismissed to let’s put an action plan together that addresses the risk and protects people.
We got the new client to understand the risk of the activity and what needed to be done to protect their people and deliver excellent service to their customers.
After reviewing the action plan with the Area Director we were able to reduce the fine by 80% and from a Serious violation to Other than serious. The reason we were able to do this is by creating an effective action plan that not only addressed the citation but showed the leadership team understood the gravidity of the situation which drove a change in their beliefs of safety.
The citation sent a strong message that there was a serious hazard and people were at risk of injury. We were able to educate the new client and provide a road map of not only compliance but proactive approach to protecting people and driving customer excellence.
There are times where we successfully defend a client who’s received an OSHA citation and have them dismissed. But, in some cases where they cannot be dismissed because of the facts/evidence we support our clients with action plans that result in reduced fines and violations but most importantly protect their people.